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Whats the scene?
Say goodbyes to bouncing around places that do not suit your mood. Join the community of "Flitters" and become a Flitter to start Flitting-in and earn "Flit Coins" that will get you Rewards from the nicest Places in your city. At iFlit App we want you to connect with the Places directly.

You can ask a Place things like :

1) Whats the special of the day?
2) We are two friends, you have seating for us?
3) Whats the cake of the day ?
4) Show me the ambiance and music thats going on now.
5) Whats the waiting like ?
6) And 100s of things that come to your mind when you want to decide to go out to your favorite Places

On the iFlit App we are building a community to share "Live Scenes" from the Places that are active on the Platform. You will also be rewarded for spreading the word and getting more of your friends on-board

Any request you will send to a Place will prompt the users present at the Place to respond including the "Place" itself if it is activated with us. Even if a Place is not activated other "Flitters" present at that "Place" will respond and send you the Live scenes.

What else ?
You earn "Flit Coins" when you
1) Flit at a Place.
2) Upload Live Scenes
3) Add more friends on the app using your Flitter Pin

Download now to discover what else is in store for you and get the "Game of Flits" going on with your Flit reward.

We would love your feedback and would iterate the iFlit App platform as per feedback received.

It is a platform for the people ,by the people so lets join in and get the "Power of Now" for us.

Together we will will do it.
Team iFlit

A note on battery –
Weve spent a plenty of time developing the location technology that powers iFlit, making it extremely power efficient. But, as with all apps of this type, please note that continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.